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Individual Therapy

Life throws many surprises at us. While we cannot predict the outcome of any situation, we can take control of how we respond to those situations. This can be to begin with acceptance and how to exert freedom of choice over whatever life may throw at.

​My approach is based on the wholistic framework of health and well-being: Te Whare Tapa Wha.  It is a model representing the four basic beliefs of life (Durie, 1998 & Mauri Ora, 2003):

  • Te Taha Wairua (spiritual health)

  • Te Taha Hinengaro (psychological/mental health)

  • Te Taha Tinana (physical health)

  • Te Taha Whanau (relational health).

I offer various modalities of counselling that suit your need, such as Polyvagal Informed Therapy, EMDR, Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) and Breathing Retraining.
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Restructuring (EMDR) is an effective approach to psychotherapy that accelerates the treatment of a wide range of mental health issues including past traumatic events and present life conditions. Some of the studies show that  84%-90% of single-trauma victims no longer have post-traumatic stress disorder after only three 90-minute sessions. EMDR is one of the only two therapies recommended for PTSD by the World Health Organisation. I provide both Individual and Group EMDR Therapy. For more information please visit

Breathing Retraining
Stress, Anxiety and Trauma have been found to cause hyperventilation and disordered breathing.  Hyperventilation is a normal reaction to stressful events.  Once the stressful event has passed the breathing should return to its original pattern.  If the stress levels are too high or too intense or continue for a prolonged period of time, breathing may not return to its previous pattern.  As a result, the body gets adjusted to this altered pattern and creates new muscle memory in diaphragm and other breathing muscles. The altered breathing pattern could lead to a number of Psychological and Physical symptoms such as: agitation, rapid upper chest breathing, increased heart-rate, shortness of breath, nausea, tingling fingers, dizziness,  fatigue, anxiety, panic attacks etc.  Breathing retraining is aimed at restoring the healthy pattern of breathing by modifying the breathing habit and changing the muscle memory of diaphragm and other muscles.



Generally the sessions are 50-minute long. Consultation fees are usually discussed and agreed prior to our first session. However reduced rates are available for clients who find this amount difficult to pay. Fees are payable prior to, or on the day of the appointment, using cash, cheque or online banking. I don’t have EFTPOS / credit card facilities.


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