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Polyvagal Informed Practice

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Safe and Sound Protocol


Rewind Technique


Polyvagal theory offers a bio-behavioural framework that links attachment behaviors to the neural regulation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS).


The Polyvagal Informed Practice offers    co-regulation as an interactive process that engages the social nervous systems of both the therapist and client. Social engagement provides experiences of mutuality and reciprocity to regulate emotions.


Through Polyvagal Informed Practice one can become aware of their physiological and physical reactions to stressful situations and the triggers. 


This awareness of embodiment of emotions helps in building the capacity to ride the waves of big emotions and sensations by recognising the arousal and learning helpful ways of self-regulation.

This non-invasive intervention involves listening to music that has been processed specifically to retune the nervous system (regulating state) to introduce a sense of safety and the ability to socially engage. This allows the client to  improve social interactions.


Developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, the Safe and Sound Protocol is a five-day intervention designed to reduce stress and auditory sensitivity while enhancing social engagement and resilience.


Research-based therapy showing significant results in just five days in the following areas:​


Social and emotional difficulties

Auditory sensitivities

Anxiety and trauma related challenges


Stressors that impact social engagement


For details visit:


The Rewind Technique is a tried-and-tested approach to Trauma and Phobias. It  is a comfortable, effective treatment that can greatly reduce, and even remove, traumatic or phobic symptoms quickly


Although research into the Rewind Technique is still in its infancy, one study carried out by the Human Givens Institute in the UK and a four-year study carried out within NOVA (part of the Barnardo’s charity) showed similarly impressive results.


Rewind does not need you to go over the traumatic incident(s) again. In fact you even need not to reveal the details of what happened to you.


So if you suffer from traumatic memories or phobias I think I can help, so please give me a call on and I can tell you anything else you need to know​

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